- Hemoglobin 13.5 (WHO normal 14.0-17.3) — normal by UM standards
- Absolute neutrophil count 2.4 (normal 1.4-7.5) — NORMAL
- White blood cell count 3.1 (normal 4-10) — subnormal but expected
- Platelet count 201 (normal 150-450) — NORMAL
They actually had to make me go in for the blood test. I thought Dr. B had put me on a 3-month schedule, but the nurses thought otherwise, so I grumbled but I went. I won't have another until mid-May, at my next followup with Dr. B.
It's been 6 weeks since my last headache. Once in a while I get a twinge that reminds me the underlying condition's still hanging around, but otherwise I am absolutely, completely normal now. I can do anything. Bring it on.
Median time to relapse is 8 years. Retreatment usually works. Some people never need more treatment. And I have a normal life expectancy. That shakes out as victory — which is never permanent anyway, so why the hell not.

Anyway. Balance. I had in mind "balance sheet," adding up a bit of what I learned from all this. Today that seems like a bigger job than I want to tackle, so I'll just throw out this:
Time is short, and precious. Don't waste it wishing you were somebody else.
If you've got a good life, you don't need another one. Just do what you do, use what you have, give everything you can to everyone who needs you. Chop wood. Carry water.