Saturday, December 15, 2007


Decided to use this instead of "upswing," which seems way too dramatic for the pace of progress here.

Yesterday was actually pretty good for about half the day. Got up at our normal 6:45 AM and helped get Luka ready for school. Went for a walk in late morning, instead of waiting until afternoon when I'm already tired. That energized me and I felt OK until late afternoon, when I flagged and my headache came back. Still, not bad.

Today: not so great. Tired and draggy in the morning, hard to shake the headache. Both knees hurting a lot, maybe from walking too much, but no other exercise works and I'll go completely nuts if I don't use my body. Finally got a walk in around 4 PM — and a good thing too, with what sounds like a monster snowstorm blowing in from Indiana tonight. Tomorrow I'll probably be housebound.

Boredom. A good sign, I think. Until now I've been either too tired or too anxious to be bored.

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