We were in the middle of dinner, so I just kept pushing the "silence" button while we finished eating and drove to the hospital for my 7 PM appointment. I would've been out of there in 15 minutes, but they didn't have an explicit order to pull my PICC line, so they had to page a nurse.
As they peeled away the layers of tape and dressing, I was happily surprised to see that my skin — buried under that stuff for 10 days — looked normal. Just a bit red in a couple of spots. No gangrene, thanks.
Last blood draw through the PICC before they pulled it. (From now on it'll be needles, but I'd rather get poked than wear that f-ing thing any longer.) Pulling the line out was a sensation I'd rather not repeat, making a kind of zp-zp-zp-zp-zp-zp sound as they dragged all 47 cm of it through my poor vein. Thankfully, this only lasted five seconds. Then it was done.

The highlight of my day today: an unassisted, non-Saran-wrapped shower. YES.
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